
Compare the best dental plans on the market, side-by-side

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  • 3/1/2025



  • Dental plans from different brands
    Delta Dental, Spirit Dental, Argus, Renaissance Dental, and more
  • Dental plans with no waiting on major services
    Crowns, Bridges, Implants, Dentures, Root Canals
  • Dental plans for Seniors, Families and Gig Workers
    Supplemental Insurance, Emergency Insurance, Low Income Plans
  • Need help? Call us: 888-890-1944
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Compare plans from these top brands, and more


Shop dental insurance on the marketplace

There is no "one size fits all" dental insurance plan. With different brands to choose from,
we put choice front and center, so you can find the plan that covers all your needs.



What do dental plans cover?

There is no "one size fits all" dental insurance plan. Dental plans can vary greatly in their coverage offerings, but don't let this scare you! On our marketplace, you can find a plan that covers all your needs.


How much will dental insurance cost?

There are many variables that go into the final cost of dental plans. These include the type of plan, coverage, deductible, dental needs, location, and more.

Your annual maximum and whether or not a plan has waiting periods or not will also play a role in the cost of your dental insurance. Run a free instant quote to compare prices!



Which type of dental insurance is the best?

Which brand is best for you and your family depends on your dental needs, your budget, and your preferred dentist.

You could start by refining your search on based on procedures needed or based on potential savings. We recommend picking your plan based off needs rather than by brand name!

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Before you shop, here's a guide to dental insurance lingo:

Insurance LingoTerminology Breakdown
PPOPreferred Provider Organization - allows plan holders to visit a wide range of dentists and hospitals.
HMOHealth Maintenance Organization - plan holders have a certain network of dentists and hospital they can visit.
DISCOUNT PLANSA set discount on services. Must see a participating dentist to take advantage of the discount.
CHOICE PLANSA group of plans that does not require you to stay in-network. You have the flexibility to visit any provider.
NETWORKA group of dentists that have accepted certain plans and discounts.
OUT-OF-NETWORKA dentist that does not accept your coverage or plan.
DEDUCTIBLEA yearly or one-time fee that must be paid before the insurance company covers anything.
ANNUAL MAXIMUMThe maximum dollar amount a dental plan will pay toward the cost of dental care within a specific time period (usually January through December).
MONTHLY CHARGEAlso called "Premium". Your monthly plan fee.

Learn More From Our Dental Insurance Guides!

Not sure where to start? Read our dental insurance guides for more information and resources to give you clarity and peace of mind when selecting the right dental insurance plan for your coverage needs.

Additional Resources

Looking for a dental knowledge crunch? Dive into these “insurance terms” resources for further info!

• Maximums and Deductibles

PPO vs HMO Dental Plans

Waiting Periods

In-Network vs Out-of-Network